super contra lives code, super contra lives, super contra 30 lives game free download, super contra. Download Super Contra to PC, ANDROID OR iPhone. In order to play this NES ROM, you must first download an Emulator. Super Contra- Start button is on the top left of screen.- 30 lives. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about Super Contra 30 lives APK free download. Thanks to a mobile app called Super Contra 30 lives APK, you can download and install this game on your Android device and play it with the same cheat code that made it so popular back in the day. The easiest thing to do is copy the file in to the same folder as the original ROM and make sure the and file have the same name. When you download this hack the download will contain a file (Not a ROM file), This file is a patch which you need to apply to the original ROM in order to be able to play the hacked game. > DOWNLOAD: Contra 30 lives download for android Contra 30 lives download for android OctoContra 30 lives download for android