To view the Japanese characters that don't work, you must have WineĬall out the Japanese locales on your computer. Will not display properly out of the box with Wine. Japanese applications in general have certain Japanese words that Set emulation to 'Windows ME' or else the game will not run correctly, to do this write: Â or if you installed in a different prefix, do like the following exampleĮnv WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-rapelay ~/wine-vertexfixed/bin/wine 'C:\Program Files\Illusion\RapeLay\RapeLay English.exe'ĮNSURE THAT YOU ARE RUNNING RAPELAY INSIDE OF RL FOLDER OR ELSE THE GAME WILL LIKELY FAIL TO START. ~/wine-vertexfixed/bin/wine 'RapeLay English.exe' Â From this you can run your RapeLay game via Last step of building will be installing the custom wine version If it wasn't seek for aid in your distro or wine help channel. If build suceeds last line of your terminal will be: Wine build complete. You are ready rigth now to build the custom version of wine, buildingĬan last from 15 to 40 minutes so better enjoy a coffee after you write If you need help doing that in other distribution or extra aid pleaseĪsk in your distribution forums/chat as I will no have the time to
In order to run RapeLay almost flawlessly you will need to build a custom version of wine.